Monday 7 September 2015

My caravan trip and coffee morning clash!!!...Blog # 499!!

 So it had to happen....I booked in two events on the same weekend...I love my coffee mornings, but also my time away with my caravan friends....and by the look of these pics, the coffee morning was a success..(Thanks Graham Didlick for taking some pics )
 Les W sent me a text..said there was 32 cars there by 7:32....

 Thanks to all those that went....their will be more I miss next year when I head over to EUROPE for 6 weeks...
 So...on the Thursday before...I headed for a spot I had always wanted to stay at...the ILUKA Riverside caravan Park.....looking over the mighty Clarence River..
 5 days away isn't enough, but certainly is relaxing, when you have a waterfront site, and can't be bothered walking the 30 feet to throw a line in....easier to go buy the fish at the Marina anyway!!
 Weather was a bit up n down....the wind on Friday would blow a dog off it's chain...but Saturday up the beach...just beautiful...there were a few drives...a few walks...a few "5 o'clock somewhere" sessions that usually started just after lunch...the 6 couples that went had a GOOD time!
 Had to take a pic of Macleans tiny old Fire Station...we ate our way through a lot of country town pie you do!!
 Late Monday arvo, and the clouds were starting to build into a potential storm, so we elected to break camp and come home early-er than planned......drove through a massive downpour between Woodburn and Wardell ....glad I was in the Landcruiser, and not the Deuce...visibility was tough!
 Home by 6:32 Monday the big job today of unpacking....
 Here are some better pics from the camera. instead of my you can see, this place is nice...relaxing..quiet...

 Front row was a bonus.....
 Looking back towards my 'van...with the 6 of us all parked together....nice!....didn't have to walk far when it was drinkie

 Up the beach....
and back down the beach.... 500th!!......can't believe I made it this far.....must be the good readership I have!...Hope you enjoy my ramblings..

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