Tuesday 20 November 2012

mid week musing

RIP, Johnny Walker...he made a big effort to get to Yamba rod run, and I had the pleasure to take him for a lap around the Blue Dolphin in the 'ol Model A...this is when we reflect on how life is so precious, as 6 days later, he had passed away.
Another timely reminder for those going to the Street Rod Natsd next Easter, is the closing date for the cheapest entry cost is fast approaching...1st December is the cut-off!  After that, the entry fees go up about 30%, and for those of you trying to get a car finished, rember that the TAC will be snowed under, seeing as there is only approx. 128 days before the event....Well...4 months anyway!!
You probably already know that the McMullen roadster recently went up for auction, and sold for..............reportedly...$700,000 plus commission!!..W.T.F.......who has money like that to throw around....but then it was pointed out to me that to win the Grand National Roadster Show, or the Riddler trophy, most cars are now costing between $500,000 and  a million upwards to build....where will it stop?
Last weekend in Sydney was the combined Rocket open day, Nostalgia racers hall of fame night, and Nostalgia drags on the Sunday...was a great weekend from what I hear...here's some snaps from Les Winter...This flattie powered time warp belongs to Charlie Falzon.
More flatheads are turning up in hot rods these days, even though  the telephone number costs to rebuild them....one photo I recently saw was of a fresh supercharged big inch H&H engine on it's way over to repower a 32 here in Aus....cost?....lets say some rodders build complete cars for the same!!, And it's not Ardun headed.  
This primered Brookville bodied highboy belongs to Warren Goodall....Some newby rodders should take a long look at cars like this and realise what rodding is all about....no trick paint or billet, no wrong way opening doors, no weird size tyres and wheels, no out of place billet bling!...hmmm, maybe I should step off my soap-box!

In case anyone needs a Hemi in their future, I still have one spare. It's a basically a long motor with some spares, I have checked and it is std. bore, but has had water sitting in one cylinder. I initially listed it on e buy with a reasonable reserve, close to the buy it now of $1900, so try me at greg@comstar.com.au  or 0437 32 31 33 with a price, It needs to go a new home......go on...you know you want it!!

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