Sunday 10 September 2017

Our annual DEUCES LIMITED run to Kingscliff

 Once a year, our club has a three day 9or more) rod run to the northern NSW area, and the base for the event is the INGENIA HOLIDAYS KINGSCLIFF ( the old DRIFTERS Holiday Village)
, at Kingscliff.....
Our run is open to anyone, but we don't advertise this, as we are happy to just keep it to a smaller than normal group..we generally get about 15 to 20 cars/about 40 to 50 people max...this year, we were a bit short on numbers, as there were still plenty of cabins available...still, those who came had a great time..
Anita n i went down early on the Wednesday, took the van, so we can have a few days prior...I arrange the travel permits from the Wednesday thru to the Monday, so people can have an extended stay and bring their limited rego cars..
 Our recipe is simple, doesn't change much from year to year...sort of starts with meeting at the Chinderah Tavern for lunch on the Friday...then over to Cudgen Footy club for dinner on Friday Night, a cook up breakky on the Saturday morning, followed by a run to a lunch destination...a cook up saturday dinner, sunday breakfast, then between, just enjoying the company at the park..
 pics of cars before we headed off on Saturday via a scenic drive thru the back of the Tweed area, ending up at the SEAGULLS club for lunch..

Great meetings, except an AGM at our annual run...based mainly in the SE Qld area,   basically a group of friends with Deuces....only $25 a year to join, A.S.R.F. affiliated,

That's it, until next year..7,8,9th Sepember 2018...our 15th year year, sort we talked talked about forming the club back in 2002, but didn't officially take a vote for a Pres/Sec/treas until march come along next year if you have a 1932 Ford....need info, contact me at 0437323133

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