Tuesday 24 September 2013

Best wishes to a great friend...have fun over there!!

 Well, the time has come to say safe travels to good friend, Les Winter, who is doing the "Live in USA for a while" deal.....coffee mornings won't be the same without you!
 But, he's going to be in good company, with all the people he met in Texas recently, they will show him how to say "howdy".."yes sir", "you'all want fries with that"
 Don't forget us back home here....keep the stories, e mails, and pics coming.
 Last minute jobs before all the cars were put away in secire storage, the sedan delivery will have to wait another year or two before we see it again...
 However, now you can find all the bits needed to complete the all steel 5 window!
 We used to joke about that song I put on "Winter in America"...tomorrow, it happens!..This weekend, les will be with Charlie (and Graeme Robinson) at the Deuces Limited run in Lost Pines Resort...next week, they catch up with Chris Dansie at the Goodguys meet.....and some of us will catch up next year at the LA Roadsters
 Been a Brisbane boy since the early 70s when the Winter family came down from Toowoomba area, and Charlie, Ethel, Les, David and Margaret instantly joined in the local hot rodding scene. we all have lots of memories of Wilga Street.
 Like me, the drag race bug bit hard...all the way up to 200+mph doorslammers, but after 20 years, it was back to the roots of hot rods.
 Les has kept lots of people happy with the cars he has bought into Australia....this next step of being there for an extended year or three might just see more sent over, we hope....can I put my order in now for a 32 Ford 5 window and a 62 Corvette?
 Yep...the sedan delivery way back when....must be 40 years since you built it!
 Remember when you got the old road duster painted and registered for me...40 years ago as well!

So, here's a map so you don't get lost...see you next may...I will miss our one hour phone chats....get to Walmart and buy a computer so we can e mail.....hahaha have fun!

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