Friday 14 October 2016

Yes David..I will find something to blog..

 So, this week was a lunch run organised by dennis Cambell to the Sands Hotel..all of 5 minutes drive for me..winning!!
the rest drove from the coast, and out the back or Redland Bay, along to Cleveland Point, and then the pub..twas a good day...
 Doug M came over to take pics of his HR wagon project that is stored at my home...he has it for sale, as is, no motor or box, and other parts missing...but still a deal at $1200..
for all the Doug on 0412 370 515.
wouldn't use much fuel....
 found this in an old Street Rodder...the 1st Deuce Reunion in Texas..40 years ago..

 My lunch run is on this coming at BP Staplyton at about 10 am, or meet on the road to Beaudesert, or just meet me at the Rathdowney pub around midday..

 Lindsay Wilson sent me some of Milton Adeys old pics, as well as some from the Queensport archives..I will share these over the next few blogs..but here's a teaser..Ronnie Solomon gettin' dragged off by a Holden...
 Junky Kevs roadster when it was a channeled flattie car in the late 60s....he bought this from bob Fielding from down Brisbane door to the Dutton Park cemetery..who remembers this!
 someones wedding in Brisbane....looks like all Roadstars cars...
 here's Evan isaacs 34 coupe with the Stude drivetrain..
who ever went to the day drags at Amberley Air Force base.....? I did..
 I've put this up before...but 60s hotrodding, Brisbane style sure is cool!
 Here's the old altered...
and it was Stompers birthday this last week...found this old gem of all the HUSTLER guys, probably at the Roadstars police Boys Club show..late 60s...recognise anyone??

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