Monday 8 July 2013

Last lot of barnfinds for a while...back to the roadster soon!

Can you imagine finding this gem....and it was for a reasonable price!
 Motor bikes are hot this old girl, I've heard of a few in my time, but never bothered chasing them.....but an old BSA, or Norton would be cool to have.
 Surprising how many old 30/31 coupes and sedans are still lying around in USA
 This was the so called big find somewhere in Europe from memory..doors were welded shut, and the cars inside almost perfect.
 Lots of sporty cars hidden away, finding one of these is great but rebuilds are costly.
 Doesn't have to be a barnfind...some are just sitting in plain view, ignored for years.
 Bet you start looking at every barn differently now..haha.
 Beep Beep...there's a RoadRunner in here somewhere.
looks like an old Bonneville find, left to rot in the elements.....

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