Sunday 4 March 2018

Wow..what a great coffee morning...with the ROADSTARS..

The March coffee morning was the start of me asking some of the old 1960s hot rod clubs, to gather up their club members, and come down for a coffee, a catch-up, and see where hot rodding is about these days..ROADSTARS was Brisbanes first club, back in 1963, and had n enormous impact in developing rodding in S.E. Qld and beyond..they organised many of the first shows, many worked at the new dragstrip, while others competed, quite a few had award winning cars, and many interstate trips to shows helped spread the word about 1970, they combined with Sydneys EARLY TIMES, to create the first of the many Bris-Sydney-meet somewhere in the middle rod runs..all told, they had almost 100 members move through the club during the 15-20 years they's time to reform, as about 15 of those early members turned up today...was great to see them all.

 In no particular order, and excuse the poor pics, as I didn't stop talking much for the 4 hours I was there..just sneaked a few pics between catch-ups..

 I caught up with famous 60s rodder, Mark Georgette..even found an A sport coupe to stand in front of!

 That's John Parker on the left, current owner of this 32, and on the right, Peter Anderson, the son of the original builder of the deuce, John Anderson..first time Peter has seen the car since the 1970s, I believe..those smiles say it iconic car..saved, and restored close to how it was in 1965.
 We managed to get about 20 of the old members..fitting to take the pic in front of the Anderson Hiboy..
Yep..look at those T Shirts..looks like some want to restart the club..please..Do it!
 so, continuing my theme of inviting the old month, April 8th, it's RODS INC.s turn..spread the word if you know any of the older members from the 1960s-70s-80s-90s up until now..yep, the club I helped form with Peter Crain, and Tom Fulton, is now in it's 54th year!..amazing.

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