Thursday 18 May 2017

Once again, I'm lost for material to blog....

 Les phoned today, to keep me up to speed with his days in Texas..and he mentioned about the man he purchased a Hemi block from..small world, as I had met him over 15 years ago, and had seen the cool supply of Hemi parts he had/has...
So, Les sent a couple of pics taken this rare front driven blower hemi
 couple more cool cars at the this multi-carbed six..
and this blown hemi powered coupe....which got me to thinking about all the cars n parts I have stumbled across in my years of visiting below are a few, and you have to realise, lots of our US friends are able to hold onto parts for a long time...I guess rare parts don't take up much room, and hot rod material seems to always increase in value...
 like this coupe...I took this pic 10 years ago..Les saw it today as well!
 and this coupe...still there....
 this would be long Gas Monkey Garage, 2007..
 2007, Gas Monkey
 2007 Gas Monkey..
 2004 from memory...Hemis were still there for the taking..Lubbock, Texas.
 same yard...plenty of Model As could be bought...all this yard has completely gone now..
 small town in rods in the old car showroom...
 and me, Col n Charlie, hauling a load of core 9" Ford rearends back to ship home..
 Sid n Sues place, around the corner from where Les stays...
 Charlies son Tony had this old coupe for $18K from memory..10 years ago..
 Kikin street rods back lot...nothing there now...
 I first saw this 32 five window in this condition around 20 years's still the same..owner has since passed, but the car remains with the family...
 this was about 2004....not sure what happened to it...
 also 2004...saw this car many years later..still the same
 and this in 2004..luckily, Les was able to purchase it last in progress now..(that's what the Hemi block was for, to start chassis setup. )
 another workshop dripping hi po parts..long since gone..
 2012 in Tennessee..probably still there..Genes Hot Rod Repair
 2012 on the side of a back road somewhere in Arkansas...
 well...supposedly, there is a fuellie headed 327 in there for the taking....
can't remember where I saw this coupe...but so exciting when you find them just sittin'..waiting..
 and back to the first couple of photos...these are ones I took at the same place in 2007..
 same motor Les took a pic of...10 years ago
cool...lots of parts tucked away in Texas..and all of USA...keep looking!!


  1. If you're still looking for Kikin street rods this is Lee Martin the owner of all those parts you took pictures of in my back lot before we moved to Lampasas. Let me know when you're in the area and I can help you find more good pictures of parts to hard to find cars.

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