Saturday 27 September 2014

I don't "Get" rat rods..why did they evolve from the "work in progress" ones that look so cool?

 Yes, it's a following, and yes, I appreciate to a certain extent...the work and effort....something like either wanting a tattoo or not....I don't want to offend anyone building a radical rat rod, I'm just like them when they just look more traditional
 and at least they are building, and not sittin' at a bar somewhere..
 but I couldn't build anything this radical
 to me, they seem just way to wild to drive
 I sorta wish they could use up the glass bodies, and not the steel, but like all of us, we want the genie steel look
 obviously, lots get at least they are out there, but I just prefer tradition..
 What could you do with this...couldn't successfully safely drive it anywhere..
 But you could in these......this is in progress
 luv it..
 well...this is finished..but this in undercoat would look as great..
 simple..the look
 old school
 no frills
 bad-ass undercoat
that's all I got....

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